2 Corinthians 5:17 tells us that if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation! The reality is, my life is broken, shattered, and hopeless without Christ. My old life is filled with pain, anger, and hate. I’ve run from God so many times it’s hard to count. But no matter how far I run, I can’t out-pace His voice that has claimed my life. No matter how much junk I pile on, I’m still His son and He loves me the same. This is only possible because of the work of Jesus Christ. It’s when we come to Him, then, and then only, do we receive this newness, this life overflowing and abundant. It’s because now, no matter how much sin I’ve amassed before, it’s as if I’ve been completely reborn. My slate hasn’t just been erased, it’s as if the slate was never marred to begin with. And all I can say to this is THANK YOU JESUS!!
Verse 1
Once marked by shame, my hidden hate
I mocked Your Name, I ran from grace
These walls I raised, this chasm made
My fears became my very grave
Verse 2
I once assumed no power could change
These debts accrued were far too great
Till Love broke in and called my name
My heart You claimed, my life You saved
I did not earn it this gift of grace
One died for all You took my place
In Christ I am new
All my sin erased I’m raised with You
In Christ I am new
Your perfect sacrifice Has bought me new life
Verse 3
Now marked by blood, this gracious seal
Your stripes were mine, my wounds You heal
Compelled by love, my life’s Your story
Forever changed for Your glory
You who had no sin
became sin for us
so that we become
your righteousness